Welcome to St Martin’s!
We are a friendly, bible-believing church located just off Grand Drive, behind the parade of shops. We are a community of people from a variety of backgrounds with a desire to love God and one another, as well as to share the amazing message of Jesus Christ in our local area. Our main service is on Sunday at 10:30 am with children’s work. We try to make our services accessible to all so why not come along and meet us? We would love to welcome you and help you to find out about Jesus so you can know Him for yourself, or to grow in Jesus if you know Him already.
St Martin’s takes the Safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults very seriously. Further information about this can be found here.
Play & Praise
Bible story, craft, singing, play, refreshments and chat
For pre-schoolers and their grown-ups.
10.00am to 11.30am every Thursday during termtime.
St Martin’s Baby and Toddler Group – Fridays during term time 9:30-11:30 am
There is also an interactive circle time featuring singing and a short bible story for children.
The group is run by volunteers from St Martin’s church and we invite all parents, grandparents and carers. We are a friendly group with a desire to see parents and children make friends and build community. The group meets in the main St Martin’s building and you can enter through the main door which is open at all times during the session.
This Sunday
Sunday service in church
16 February @ 10:30 am
Coming up
19 January - 16 FebruaryTuesday morning prayers (via Zoom)
28 January @ 9:15 am - 9 September @ 9:45 am
Recent posts
- Afternoon Tea 11 October 2022
- Monthly Musing September 2022
- The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
- Plant and Cake Fundraiser for Local Hospice
- Real Lives : Stories of Real Change
- The lifting of COVID restrictions
- Why bother with church?
- Those who love God and serve
- Father’s day
- Jesus yesterday, today and forever